Product Description
This 15 page movie guide with additional activity handouts is for the Christmas film "Klaus (2019)". This guide will also work well as a sub plan for your substitute teacher.
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PART 1 – Comprehension questions. I have made three sets of questions for differentiation or depending on how much of a challenge you want to give the students. Answer keys included
• 40 questions in chronological order.
• 30 questions in chronological order (10 questions removed from the 40 question set)
• 30 multiple choice questions in chronological order with 3 possible answers.
PART 2 – letter writing, describing a character, sentence writing
• Students to imagine they’re living in Smeerensburg and to write a letter to Mr. Klaus telling him all the good things they’ve done this year. Include a picture of the wooden toy they would like from him.
• Students to write a little bit about the favorite character in the movie. Includes describing them, writing about their personality and what the student liked and disliked about them. Also need to draw them.
• Students first write sentences using each of the letters from the words “Klaus” then write about places in the movie where they felt sad, happy and excited.
PART 3 – Just for fun word search and crossword puzzle (10 questions with the answers being the words to find in the word search) also 5 hidden words to find. Answer key included
The movie is about a young postman named Jesper, who is sent to a frozen island above the Arctic Circle. Here he meets local toymaker Klaus, where their unlikely friendship melts a long standing feud and delivers a sleigh full of holiday traditions.