Product Description
This 9 page movie guide with handouts is for the film "To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)". This guide will also work well as a sub plan for your substitute teacher.
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PART 1 – Comprehension questions. I have made two sets of questions for differentiation or depending on how much of a challenge you want to give the students. Answer keys included
• 55 questions in chronological order.
• 40 questions in chronological order (15 questions removed from the 55 question set)
PART 2 – Essays and Discussion questions
• After watching the movie, pick the brains of your students with these 4 thought provoking questions. Could also be done in pairs and discussed after each question.
• First essay. Students to imagine they are Atticus. The trial has ended and Tom Robinson was found guilty. The students write about their thoughts and feelings, and what they plan to do next. Start from the moment they hear “We find the defendant guilty as charged”
• Second Essay. Students to imagine they are Scout. It’s the evening when Scout and Jem were attacked by Bob Ewell in the woods. They write a short account of the event from the time they both left the school auditorium.
Set in the 1930's, the movie follows Atticus Finch, a lawyer with two young children, Jem and Scout. In a racially divided Alabama town, Atticus defends a black man accused of raping a white woman. Meanwhile, Atticus's children Jem and Scout are intrigued by their neighbors, the Radleys, and the mysterious, seldom-seen Boo Radley in particular. Based on the prize winning book by Harper Lee.

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