Product Description
This 14 page movie guide with handouts is to accompany the film "Ready Player One (2018)". This guide will also work well as a sub plan for your substitute teacher.
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PART 1 – Comprehension questions. I have made three sets of questions for differentiation or depending on how much of a challenge you want to give the students. Answer keys included
- 40 questions in chronological order.
- 30 questions in chronological order (10 questions removed from the 40 question set)
- 30 multiple choice questions with 3 possible answers. In chronological order.
PART 2 – Essay, character creation and storyboard.
• Students to create a character profile for the OASIS. Includes drawing a picture
• Essay. Students to imagine they're gunters searching for the Easter egg. Parzival has just found a way to beat the first challenge. Students to recount a day they face the first challenge.
• Students to draw a 9 scene storyboard of what they believe to be the most important parts in the movie. To include a brief description for each scene.
PART 3 – Just for fun word search and crossword puzzle (10 questions with the answers being the words to find in the word search) also 5 additional words to find. Answer key included
The movie is based on the best selling novel by Ernest Cline. Ready Player One is about a teenager named Wade Watts who spends most of his time in a virtual world called the OASIS. The creator, James Halliday has hidden an Easter egg which upon finding, will give the winner an immense fortune and also the game's total control. After finding the first clue, Wade sparks excitement and hope back to the hunt, and throwing him into a world of people willing to kill for the information he has, changing his life forever.

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