Product Description
This 16 page Thanksgiving movie guide with handouts accompanies the film "Free Birds (2013)". This guide will also work well as a sub plan for your substitute teacher.
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PART 1 – Comprehension questions. I have made three sets of questions depending on how much of a challenge you want to give the students. Answer keys included
• 40 questions in chronological order.
• 30 questions in chronological order (10 questions removed from the 40 question set)
• 30 multiple choice questions in chronological order
PART 2 – Writing
• There are 3 character profiles to complete, can be completed in a group if too much for one student. Students draw a profile picture, describe their features and personality, then write what they like and dislike about that character. Includes the characters Reggie, Jake and Jenny.
• Students first write sentences using each of the letters from the words “Free Birds” then write about places in the movie where they felt happy, sad and excited.
PART 3 – Just for fun word search with 15 words to find, 5 of which need clues answered beforehand. Answer key included.
The movie is about two turkeys who team up to travel back in time to 1621 in order to change the course of history, and get turkeys off the Thanksgiving menu for good.

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